Artist application

From New York to California


Resident Artist Program Mission


Resident Artist - Program Mission, Description, & Guidelines:

The goal of the Red Brick Resident Artist program is to provide affordable space for community artists, established and emerging, within a vibrant, collaborative, educational environment. We strive to foster a dynamic and robust program which is representative of a variety of art mediums and fosters the growth of artists not only as creatives, but as entrepreneurs and business owners. The Resident Artist program is intended for artists who thrive in a collaborative environment, want more than just affordable studio space, and those who truly wish to be part of an active program. We have the expectation that our resident artists will willingly participate and contribute to the greater good of the program and our organization.

Studio Descriptions: All studios are shared spaces with a minimum of two artists in a space There may be up to four artists working within a full studio space ½ studios are approximately 300 square feet ¼ studios are approximately 150 square feet Monthly rent ranges from approximately $300 up to approximately $550 Occupancy Requirements:

Resident Artists are required to use their studios a minimum of 20 hours a week during peak seasons (June 1 – September 30 and December 1 – April 15). Artists are asked to use their studio a minimum of 10 hours per week during off season, with leniency for travel, etc. Studios may be sublet for a maximum and total of six weeks during a one-year lease and three months during two-year lease term. A Resident Artist will be required to sublet their studio if they plan to travel for more than 4 weeks during any time of the year. Artists will also be asked to sublet their studio for health related or personal leaves of absence that are anticipated to last (or end up lasting) longer than 4 weeks. All Sublets shall go through the Red Brick. Subletting artists will be selected from a pre-established list of approved tenants generated from those not accepted during the application process or otherwise reviewed on a rolling basis by the Selection Committee. Subletter will have the option to review the list of approved artists and preference who they would like to sublet the studio to. Storage and usage will be handled on a case by case basis. Program Participation Artists are required to attend Gallery Openings, with the exception of the April ArtStart opening, and host open studios during this time. Artists are required to attend quarterly artist meetings Artists are required to host one free artist workshop during an agreed-upon time of the year. Artists are required to provide building coverage on at least one Saturday during the summer months when we have the building open to the public. Lease Terms

2-Year lease terms will be offered by the Selection Committee prior to the start of the application and selection process. Only current resident artists will be considered for the 2-year term. The Selection Committee will review all existing Resident Artists and, in conjunction with feedback from the Executive Director, will offer 2-year lease terms to the artists they feel best exemplify the mission of resident artist program. 1-year renewable lease terms will be offered to artists selected through the application and review process overseen by an unbiased Selection Committee. All current resident artists, who have not been selected for a 2-year term, are encouraged to apply to be considered for a 1-year renewable lease. Artists selected for the 1-year leases will be offered quarter studios. Artists must complete an application to be considered for a studio but may be offered renewal, at the discretion of the Selection Committee, without re-applying at the end of their term. 1-year non-renewable “project” lease term will be offered to two artists who are interested in short-term studio space to build a specific portfolio, explore a new style of art, etc. Artists applying to this portion of the program must provide a clear outcome for their one-year term and explain it in the application. Artists accepted into this part of the program are not eligible for renewal and must reapply to the application process to be considered for a longer term or renewable lease. After fulfilling at least two back to back 1-year lease terms, an artist may be considered for a 2-year lease. Again, selection is at the discretion of the Selection Committee. Artists must adequately fulfill the requirements of the Resident Artist Program and regularly meet the occupancy requirements to be considered for a lease renewal. All artists will be required to submit an application and be reviewed by the Selection committee every two years, regardless of lease type or renewal options. Term Limits:

There are currently no term limits on how long a resident artist may stay in a studio. This is subject to change in the future.

Application Process: All existing Resident Artists will be reviewed, without an application, by the Selection Committee prior to the release of the general application via a walkthrough led by the Executive Director. The time and date of the walkthrough will not be announced in advance, so that the review remains as blind and as unbiased as possible. Based on this walkthrough, the selection committee will decide on which artists shall be offered 2-year leases.

The Selection Committee will review all applications in a “blind” manner, so that no one knows the names of the artists. Based on the application alone, the Selection Committee will choose a group of artists to move to round two.

Round two of the process will include an in-person interview with the Executive Director, select members of the Committee, and other members at the discretion of the Selection Committee. After the round of interviews, the Selection Committee will decide which artists will be offered 1-year renewable and 1-year fixed studio leases. Selection Committee The Selection Committee will consist of three voting members, with the Executive Director acting as a non-voting facilitator. The committee will be an ad-hoc group who assists the Executive Director in all matters related to the Resident Artist Program, including but not limited to the initial selection and continued monitoring of the program and review of rolling applications for consideration on the sublet/wait list.

The committee will stay in place for one year, from June 1 – May 31, at which point a new committee will be chosen for the next application process and will continue on for the following year.


Apply now for our upcoming studio space

The Red Brick Center for the Arts invites artists to apply for our upcoming exhibitions.  We aim to present themes that spark creativity and are left open to interpretation. All mediums of art are welcome to apply.  Please note application deadline for each different exhibition, and if selected the date for installing the artwork in the gallery.   Exciting news! Artists no longer have to wait 18 months after exhibiting to reapply for a Red Brick show.  You are welcome to apply for any shows of interest without the wait.   Artworks presented by artists must be comprised of at least 80% new works (created within the past year) that have not been previously exhibited.  The remaining 20% may be older works that have not been previously exhibited in the Roaring Fork Valley within the last 9 months.  Please read our Exhibition Agreement for additional information.