Introduction to 3D Printing, 9:30am - 1pm
This workshop is hands-on with practical application, creative thinking, problem solving and firsthand information about everything 3D printing has to offer. Participants will be introduced to 3D printing and the basics of the 3D printing workflow process. Together, we will explore options to find, modify, and prepare 3D files to be brought to life using a 3D printer. By the end of this introductory course, students will be confident in the basics and terminology of digital fabrication and will take home their very own 3D printed creations! Just bring your laptop and enthusiasm!
Camp: August 16 - 20, 9:30am - 1:00pm NOTE THIS CAMPS ENDS AT 1PM
Age: 10 - 13 years old
Cost: $250/per week
Items to bring to Camp: laptop and mouse. Ipads will not work for camp needs. Campers will be asked to download 3D printing software onto computer. Campers should bring snack, lunch and water bottle.
If you do not have a laptop to use, contact the office upon registering so we can secure one to borrow. Office 970-429-2777
Art Educators
Nencho Genov
Shannon Foster is currently the Makerspace and Young Adult Librarian at the Pitkin County Library. She has an undergrad degree in studio arts & art history and an MLIS in archives and public libraries. She is excited to see what the children will create during the week-long 3d printing workshop. If they complete the entire workshop they will be certified to use the 3d printers at the public library in Aspen with their library cards.