Eric Brownstein
Studio 104
Aspen based potter Eric Brownstein has been honing his skills on the wheel to make functional pottery for the home and table for the last 15 years. Born in Italy and having worked in metal as a ornamental welder, Eric blends influences from the two mediums to create simple and functional forms and finishes that are appropriate for both formal and casual dining. Eric blends form and function, using sculptural influences from clay and metal work to create unique vessels for the home and gallery. “The goal is to make everyday objects of comfort that are vessels for comfort food.” The evolution of Eric's work has been inspired by the mountain environments he has lived in. He uses Soda fire and mid-fire glazes to create a finish that complements the comforts of Northern Italy and Vermont where he was raised. Eric pushes his own skills on the wheel to create a well balanced form that is easy and enjoyable to use and hold, blending craftsmanship and artful storytelling in his work.